Monday, September 24, 2007

The path of mastery

Hello again , many times we have given humanity inspiration and guidance. Once again we do so today , we speak today of mastery and of the power inherent in every human being, the power to change the life you live and the ability to alter the circumstances that surround you. This thing is simple , so simple in fact that its very simplicity keeps it out of the hands of the average person. Today I will clarify this secret. It is the law of attraction. Allow me if yo will to explain, your passions and thoughts attract things to you, they draw them to you like a magnet. If you are passionate about the bad things in your life and you think about it often then you will draw more bad things to you! Think about this though , if you are passionate about what you REALLY want in your life then it will come to you...not instantly of course....there is a time delay and it is there to serve you to give you time to re-consider what you choose and change your desires stop lamenting about what is not going right in your life and focus your thoughts and passions on what you truly desire...and invariably it will be drawn to you

Monday, September 10, 2007

old channeling

Greetings, I am Raziel. I bring you a message of hope and love today, many changes have occurred in the past year and many more potentials await humanity in the future. These potentials have been addressed by other channelers so I will not “repeat the obvious”..

Today I speak of what is known by some as the book of raziel, this “book” is not so much a physical manifestation of paper but an inherent connection to the akashic information that flows all around humanity, it is the wisdom of all of the masters and holy people that ever lived on earth. This wisdom is available for all humanity to tap into and today I will remind you of your connection to this universal knowledge. Begin if you will by relaxing and cleansing your mind, letting go of the stresses and frustrations of the daily 4D life if only for a short time. Now focus on a single question you wish answered, just one to start. Bring this to the forefront of your mind. Then let it go…thats right let it go…let go of the energy of the problem…you don’t need it anymore..then feel the space left by letting go of this problem energy…now draw in a new energy, fill this void with light…just light nothing else. Then go about your business. Soon your intuition will guide you to the solution of your will be doing your work the next day or eating lunch or any of the many daily activities you enjoy. It will hit you, out of nowhere , the solution to your problem. The key here is not to focus on the energy of the problem, this only feeds it, but focus on the energy of the solution, and act in accordance. Remember solutions do no good if you do not act upon them.

Go in peace and love

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Raziel as channeled by Wesley Bailey

Hello, I am Raziel today I come to you with a message, a message of life.... you see dear ones there has been a lot of change happening in these past months and years... many of these things seem very frightening and very dark. But I am here to tell you something something you may find hard to believe... the power to change these things lies in your hands. Ask yourself dear human do you like these things that are happening? These dark things? I doubt you do.... so ask yourself why are you not doing anything to change it? Because you do not have the power to? Now you know this is not true human you know that you have the power to change the world around you don't you..... my challenge to you humanity is this......shed the apathy that has you in its grip and push to create the world you want...nobody can stop you...except you....